Why well-trained people are better at...

“Why well-trained people are better at...” 
Well-trained staff make a better impression on customers, not least because their knowledge and skills convey a sense of reliability and trustworthiness. Well-trained employees are vital to a company.

Training and continuing professional development. 

Targeted training and continuing professional development enable us to identify and hone our employees’ strengths, while any minor weaknesses are eliminated more or less automatically. There is an awful lot to learn: how to pack up skilfully, distribute weight evenly, dismantle equipment properly and reassemble it precisely, use the furniture hoist correctly, drive a forklift carefully, transport objects considerately and many other little things besides.

VSU and ASTAG: a guarantee of quality for a flawless move…

‹W› is one of only a few removal firms with VSU and ASTAG PLUS certification to meet the high standards that are demanded. External certification bodies run regular audits on all our relevant services.

In particular, they look at:

  • Employee qualifications (only qualified removal specialists are employed) 
  • Environmental sustainability (handling resources sparingly and recycling) 
  • Financial security and stability (sustainable business management) 
  • Insurance management and risk management (assurance for customers) 
  • Risk handling (necessary precautions and training measures) 
  • Infrastructure 
  • Equipment and premises (well maintained with modern equipment) 
  • Quality is ensured by stringent requirements, a structured approach and ongoing checks.

Die strengen Vorgaben, das strukturierte Vorgehen und die laufende Überprüfung sichern die Qualität.

Learning knowledge and skills.

‹W›-employees are therefore well trained. Both technically and in terms of service. The training program is part of the company's policy and aims to exceed customer expectations. Respectful interaction with customers, colleagues, suppliers and partners is cultivated.

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